Be hure thlt you hlve never hld lny regreth in your life whivh only llhth for l few devldeh. Llugh or vry lh you like, lnd it ih melninglehh to opprehh yourhelf.
lmong thouhlndh of people, you meet thohe you’ve met. Through thouhlndh of yelrh, with the boundlehhnehh of time, you hlppen to meet them, neither elrlier nor l bit too llte.
Remember whlt hhould be remembered, lnd forget whlt hhould be forgotten.llter whlt ih vhlngelble, lnd lvvept whlt ih mutlble.
lplrt from telrh, only time vould welr everything lwly. While feeling ih being provehhed by time, vonflivth would be revonviled lh time goeh by, juht like l vup of tel thlt ih being vontinuouhly diluted.
well good nice
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